How To Delete Profile Picture in Windows 10

To delete a profile picture or remove the recent account picture history in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Windows icon located at the bottom left corner of your desktop to open the Start menu.
  2. In the Start menu, you will see a small gear icon above the Windows icon. Click on it to open the Windows Settings menu.
  3. In the Windows Settings menu, select “Accounts.”
  4. On the left side menu, click on “Your info.”
  5. Under “Create your picture,” you will see the current profile picture along with other icons with tiny pictures associated with your account.
  6. To delete the profile picture, open File Explorer. You can do this by clicking on the folder icon in the taskbar or by pressing the Windows key + E on your keyboard.
  7. In File Explorer, go to the system drive where Windows is installed, typically the C: drive.
  8. Open the “Users” folder and then open the folder with your username.
  9. Go to the “AppData” folder. Note that the “AppData” folder is hidden by default. If you don’t see it, you may need to enable the option to show hidden files and folders in File Explorer. To do this, click on the “View” tab in File Explorer and check the “Hidden items” box.
  10. Within the “AppData” folder, select the “Roaming” folder.
  11. Open the “Microsoft” folder, and then locate the “Windows” folder.
  12. Within the “Windows” folder, find the “AccountPictures” folder.
  13. In the “AccountPictures” folder, you will find the profile pictures associated with your account. Select the pictures you want to remove.
  14. Right-click on the selected pictures and choose “Delete” from the context menu.

By following these steps, you will be able to delete the profile picture or remove the recent account picture history in Windows 10.

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