Tech Barkateraza

How to Auto Generate Featured Image in WordPress Posts

in this video i will show you how to automatically generate the featured image from the first image in post or any custom post type in your wordpress website so search this plugin it’s a very useful and popular and easy to use to automatically generate the feature image

just install and activate search this plugin and install and activate now here

now after activation in this left side panel you will see auto featured image click on generate image

here are some settings and customization

one person of your post have a featured image support type select here and these all options are pro so if you are using this free plugin so you can select here post or pages

now click on settings

in settings there are some more options like add feature image when you’re saving a post turn on to automatically add a featured image when saving a post

and if your beginners will leave as default these all settings

click on image tab

you can select background color it’s pro

font settings text settings

and there are some more options in image guys you will see here preview how is your featured image is display you can change color and settings from here

so you can select as your theme required after that click on save so this is the nice useful plugin to add auto feature image thanks for watching and please share like and subscribe this channel for more useful videos.