Tech Barkateraza

How to Add Grammarly to Word

How to Add Grammarly to Word


Hello friends in this post I will show you how to add grammarly add-on in Microsoft Word document in 2024.

so firstly open any web browser

now here search grammarly

and create your account freely using your Gmail or Facebook ID




so create and Asylum your account with chromoly

and after creating your account sign in

use your answers to help you get the most out of Grammarly.


and click on microm only or search


Try Grammarly Pro to improve you and your team's communication and productivity


so here guys you have to click on apps


Grammarly for Windows + Chrome
Works across apps and websites, including Google Docs.

Grammarly for Windows + Chrome
Works across apps and websites, including Google Docs.

and here you will see some options like chromoly for Chrome chromoly for Windows we need to find out grammarly for Microsoft Word

I’ll see here


Find the Grammarly Installer in your Downloads folder.

Step 1
Find the Grammarly Installer in your Downloads folder.

Step 2
After the file is downloaded, double-click to open it.

Step 3
Complete the setup process to start using Grammarly for Windows.

Step 4
To write in Google Docs, install the Grammarly browser extension.

so just now search grammarly forward

so you will see this option grammarly for MS Office selected

now click on get the add-in

now you have to follow these three steps


then double click on the setup file


then click on install

now click on OK then click on finish and reopen your Microsoft Word document

now open your document and here it is now you will see this grammarly icon

click to start checking your document

you need to log into your account

so this is the way guys you can

add commonly extension to your Microsoft Word document

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