Tech Barkateraza

How to Recover Excel File Not Saved or Lost

hello everyone today in this video I gonna to show you how to recover unsound file in Microsoft Excel it’s very easy and is simple let’s start firstly open Microsoft Excel now click on black workbook now go to file and here you will find a option recover unsaved workbooks click this one so you will find unserved your recover file from here and if you will not find here so use another method tencel this go to file on now click on options

[Music] now left side click on sale so in this dialogue box you will see auto recover file locations so copy this one highlight this now ctrl C now click on file explorer and in File Explorer you go to here highlight this one and ctrl V

click on this arrow so here you will find your lost or unserved workbooks for Excel so actually I have the two files choose and select which you want here is the debt and here is the name so for example this one click this one so you can see the porte-cochere click this now you will see this message no error over detected in report and no repair or necessary click this okay so you get back your unsaved file if you want to edit anything so your choice but you have to do now save this file and change the location for this file so simply go to say oh sorry go to save as and choose location so I will go to desktop and give the name my report one and make cell so by this simple method you can recover your unsaved or launched file in Microsoft Excel program and no matter any power any version of Microsoft Excel these settings for recovery are similar I hope this video will be useful for you and you know how to recover in Excel I request you don’t forget to subscribe my channel thanks for watching this with you.



how to enable or disable hotkeys windows 10/11

hello everyone you are welcome to this channel today in this video i gonna to show you how to disable hotkeys in winter trend there are four method to disable hotkeys first method click right button of your mouse any empathy bless now move your cursor to graphic options and here is the hotkeys here you can enable our this ever it will be disabled if you will click here and also if you want again aníbal saw some click again red button of your mouse go to graphic options hotkeys and click on enable

second method type edit group policy in the search our unbox and press enter it will be often local group policy editor now navigate to user configuration administrative templates windows components file explorer in the right side pan double-click on the term of windows + x hotkey is a policy to edit it select the enabled option and click apply and then ok reboot the computer to apply the changes third method if you are unable to access the local group policy editor you can tag help of registry editor for the same task just follow these steps type registry editor in the search or run box and press Enter you will type this tax it will open registry editor now navigate to the following now renamed the newly-created and she has no bean keys and set its value to one now close registry editor and restart your system after reboot the window key plus hot keys will be turned off in your system if you want to re animal the window key + keyboard shortcuts shortcuts just delete no win keys entry now fourth and last method this method allow this method allows you to completely disable the windows logo key for all users in Windows 10 at activate one and Windows 7 follow these steps to disable Windows key virtually first type register editor in the search r-run box and press enter it will upon registry editor now navigate this location Express and select new this one

radium the newly created entry as a scan cod map rat click on scan current map and click modify typing the following value as the very data manually copying and pasting will not work that click OK


now Claude registry editor and restart the computer already boot back into Windows 10 press the Windows key and nothing will happen if you want to read another the windows logo key open the registry editor again and delayed the scared card map and tree so fans by these four methods you can disable Windows key shortcuts I mean a hotkeys in window tanks and also you can enable I hope you like this video if I have any questions so please comment and if you like this video share this video and don’t forget to subscribe this channel thanks again for watching this video.



Fix There isn’t Enough Memory to Complete this Action in Excel

How to Change Language in Excel for Mac Microsoft Office for macOS

Hello friends in this video I will show how to change language in Excel for Mac Microsoft Office very simple and easy way open your Excel program

now here guys click on options

then here click on language

office display language

click on add a language select your desired language

there is there is a list of languages

then click on install

we are preparing to install your new language after you click ok we will begin downloading and installing the language in the background it may be a few minutes until you see progress once the installation is complete office will ask you to restart and apply your new language so just click on OK

now wait for a few seconds

office display language means buttons menus and other controls with a show in the first available language on this list

so you need to wait for few seconds

now guys you need to save your work before continue we need to close the following apps Excel PowerPoint one so just click on continue

now guys you will see updates over installed

click on close and reopen your Excel program then you will see a new language in your Excel which you add

so thanks for watching and please share like And subscribe this channel

How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error on Windows 10/11

hello and welcome guys today in this video i’m going to show you how to fix 403 forbidden error on windows 10 so guys if you are facing this error on windows 10 when you are try to access any website and you are using chrome browser or any another browser and you are facing four zero three forbidden error so to resolve this issue follow some easy steps first one click on start

then type control panel

open control panel

select we buy as large icons

then click on network and sharing center now left click on your internet source then click on properties now select internet protocol version 4

then click on properties now select use the following dns server addresses now type this number double it

at at i can double it

now in the second line at four and four so type this preferred dna server and alternate dns server double it double eight double it double four then click on ok and close it

now click on start then type cmd so run as administrator when you see command prompt so run as administrator

now just you need to type some command so ipconfig

space slash flu sh dns

so type this command line and press enter

now type this command line any t sh space w i n s o c pin stock space and r e s e t reset so type this command line ntsh winsock reset then press enter now close it and restart your pc software guys using this some simple and easy steps we can resolve and fix 403 forbidden error or windows 10 thanks for watching this video please comment this video work for you or not

How to Change View Options in Outlook

hello friends in this video i gonna show you how to change view options in outlook so as we can see there are some panel in outlook view you can increase or decrease size of any panel [Music] like this and also you can change view by clicking on this view option and here you will see option layout so folder panel it’s a normal you can minimize

like this

and you can off

also you can change reading pad in right bottom

and off there are some more options for reading pen you can select as you like to do bar this one so we can set calendar


and tasks

so in this panel you will see all options

calendar people add tasks

you want to remove so uncheck all these


and also guys you can change mail list like by date you can select any criteria like from

or size

by subject

here you can select folder like current folder subfolders

current mailbox and all mailbox so this is the quick option how to change view in outlook mail thanks for watching this video please comment this video useful for you or not

how to type bracket in laptop

in this post I will show you how to type bracket on laptop. so, guys to type bracket most of case it will appear on number 9 and 0 on keyboard.

how to type bracket in laptop

how to type bracket in laptop


so, there are two brackets right and left.

so press this bracket and make sure you press shift and 9

to type left side bracket so press shift plus 9 and right side so press shift plus zero

so like this you can type and insert this bracket symbol right or left thanks for reading please, guys.


How To Fix Roblox Requires Internet Explorer 6 or Greater in Windows 11

elephants in this video I will show how to fix Roblox requires Internet Explorer six or greater in Windows 11. so how to resolve this problem such here are each edit

for this free editor open it

now guys first thing you have to do back up your registry editor so file export and save it so in case you need so you can import your registry editor now let’s start

now here expire HQ local machine to this one

on our expand software

now here guys you have to find out

form 64.

so double click on it

now here double click on Microsoft

now here double click on internet in a Microsoft so we find out in this list internet


now here guys you will see the version right click on it click on modify

now here guys you have to change this value data

now remove this over data now change 9 point 11 point

double two triple zero point zero then click on OK

now close and restart

now close this registry editor

now click on start

touch your optional features

click on optional features

click on view features now guys in this list we have to find out Internet Explorer mode select it then click on next

and once this installing process will complete close and restart your system so hopefully guys using this simple and easy method we can fix and resolve

Roblox requires Internet Explorer 6 or higher problem in Windows 11. thanks for watching and comment in this method work for you or not.



Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer



How to Hide Formulas in Excel [Quick and Easy]

in this video I will show you how to hide formulas in Microsoft Excel or once we click it we can see formula so to hide this formula

firstly select it

now right click on it format cells

and in protection select hidden unselect block

then click on OK

now click anyway

now once we click on it still it will appear now next step select these cells now right click on it

format cells now select unlocked then click on OK

now third step select review

protect sheet

enter the password if you need then click on OK

now once you click on this formula bar so formula will not appear

and once we change the value so it will reflect here but formula is hidden so this area is editable

user and people can change value here but they are not able to see the formula which is used here

like this to remove this setting again click here review and click on unplotted sheet it will ask password so enter the password now once you click on it so formula will appear

so thanks for watching this is the way to hide formulas in Microsoft Excel.


How to Change Playback Speed in Your PowerPoint Slides

Hello friends in this video I will show how to change playback speed in your PowerPoint slides so firstly open PowerPoint

so firstly open your PowerPoint slides then click on a file here click on options

now here guys you’re going to see the option customize variable click on it

now here

you will see developer check this box so select developer then click on OK now click on developer tab here guys you have to click on more controls

now in this list you have to find out Windows Media Player this one select it then okay

now drag and drop your Windows Media Player

if you will see this option so click on enable ActiveX

now right click on it and here click on property sheet

now here click on these three dots browse the file

and select your audio file then open now here click on advanced

here guys you will see default speed

1.000 if you need to make it fast map to three four or five point zero zero zero then apply then click on OK

now close it slide so and click on from beginning [Music]

and check out speed

so this is the way guys you can change playback speed in your PowerPoint slides thanks for watching.