How To Publish Your First Android App On Google Play Console Step By Step
in this post I will show how to publish your Android application on Google Play Store
so firstly, open Google Play store. then click on create app
now here give the name
now here select language
now if you select your leg base
select app or game
free or pad
you can edit this later on the pad app page now check this both box then create app
now here scroll down and you will see this second option set up your app don’t click here start testing now but you have to click here set up your app now click on this drop down
set privacy policy
enter the URL for privacy policy
so guys we can give this link or you can if you have any website or blog so you can copy this matter
and pest in your blog post
so in your choice you can use this privacy policy for your application this is the my own website so you can use it
so just paste here URL for privacy policy then click on Save
so we completed this first step.
now second one app access
check this box all functionality is available without special access
then click on Save now again click on this back arrow
click on adds
and if you have ads in your application so select this option yes my app content adds then save it
now click on this content rating
click here start
so enter your email address
category game social or communication application and all other applications
then next now here select no
these all options select no
like downloading app does the app content any writing relevant content like this
so select no in this all options then here click on Save
then click on next
click on submit
now again click on this back arrow
so we completed these three four options now target audience so I’ll select here your targeted audience best way you select 13 7 16 or 18
then click on next
appeal to Children select no
next and
click on Save
now again click here
and here news apps so select no if your application is not about news then save it back arrow
now copied so select this third option my application is not publicly available for covid-19 content so click on next
then dashboard and here data safety
so guys again visit my website and here you will see the now here open this website page I will give Link in description data safety CSV file then click on this link and copy this old data
open Notepad
and paste here now click on file save as
and in the last Dot in the last csb so type here
CSV and here select all files
save it
now click here import upload
and on your desktop select that file
open it now wait for a few seconds
so you will so you will see CSV file successfully uploaded then click on import again click on import
now here
cleave as default and click on next again click on next
and click on next
so all three time you have to click on next then submit
now here again click on dashboard
so in the last option we have to click on government apps so select here no then save it dashboard so we completed these nine options out of 11. now just we have to now complete two option so this one select an app category and provide contact details so select here category so my website application is about tools select your category enter more tags
so select tags about your application
then here click on apply
now enter your email address and your website name
then click on Save
now just we have to finish one step so set up your store listing
so your application name short description so I have this already written text to a speech so I have this already short and long description
there is the limit about Eddie characters so we need to remove some character here
now here long description
now create icon so open canva open and you have to make the size for custom size here
520 512 then create design
I will so I will search here a template for my application thank you
so select your desired one and just modified here
and save it
now upload here
now we need a graphic 10 24 by 500
so again open canva and this time
10 24
and create a design
now select your desired template and make sure you have to find out you have free template I have pro version so I don’t need to find out the free
now download it
and upload here
now you need about
four to add a screenshot for your application
so here click on upload foreign
open it
so as we can see we have this icon
graphic picture and screenshots
also guys you can get a link for your YouTube videos add a video by entering a JTV URL here
but make sure once you enter the URL this video must be public or unlisted ads must be thrown off
now click on Save
now here click on dashboard
so we completed these all options
now scroll down and in the last option publish your app or Google Play click on this drop down select country and reason so select add countries and here select all just check this box that click on it
now here click on create new release
now upload your file
then open it
just type here
you can type anything here foreign like I am typing first update then click on review release
so now click on start roll out to production then here roll out
now you have to wait up to seven days
so as we can see now this application is successfully uploaded on Google Play Store and in this review status is showing and once this will be successfully published I will show you in my second part of this video so thanks for watching please comment this video useful for you or not and if you have any query or questions or comment I will try to reply it thanks again.
How to Add Slide Numbers in PowerPoint
How to Add Slide Numbers in PowerPoint
I will show you how to add page or slide numbers in PowerPoint in this post.
First, click on the first slide.
Go to the View tab and click on Slide Master.

Go to the View tab and click on Slide Master
Now, click on Insert and select Header and Footer.

Check the option for Slide Number and then click on Apply to All.

Check the option for Slide Number and then click on Apply to All.
You can also change the size and color of the numbers here.
To review your changes, go to View again and open Slide Master.
Click on Slide Master and then close the Master View to see the slide number.
Once you add the number, it will automatically appear on each slide. If you delete it from a specific slide, the number will be removed automatically for that slide.
Thanks for watching!
Image manipulation tools
A collection of tools that help modify & convert image files.
How to remove page break in Word including shortcut to remove all page break
in this post I will show you how to remove page break in Microsoft Word using the shortcut and guys I will show you how to remove all page break.
so firstly, in a Home tab click on Mark

in a Home tab click on Mark
and you should know there is the one automatic page break which Microsoft providing once your content of page will end in a particular page end. show you will see a page break symbol and your content will start from next page.
manual page break option
sometimes we need to end our content or article in the middle of page. so, this time Manuel page break is helpful.
and if you watch my below video so there is the manual page break that you can see. we have this manual page break in this page. and once you click on this Mark symbol in Home tab so we will see this page break return.
so it will add this page break so it will end your content and next content will start from next page.
so to remove just select this page break press delete key on keyboard same remove this sign and now your page will start as normal and all content will appear in this page but uh if you have so many page break or you don’t know where you have the page break you have the large document so you can use this shortcut press control h to open this file and
also you can access this in Home tab clicking replace now here in find what type this CCT symbol by pressing number six with shift on keyboard then M so type this correct symbol and
M and click on special and here click on this manual page
break now you can access
them now click on now replace with li empty so now press replace now here you have to type this CCT symbol and M
you can type this correct symbol by pressing shift plus number six key on keyboard also you can access this uh shortcut by pressing special
and also you can access this shortcut by pressing more special and select manual page break now replace with leave mty to remove in just one click all page break then click on replace all so as we can see we have six replacement so this way you can remove all page break in just one click in your document so thanks for watching and comment on this video useful for you and please share like And subscribe this channel for more useful videos.
How to change Page color of a single Page in Word
in this video I will show you a trick to change background color of one page only in Ms
so firstly View and select multiple
pages so as we can see we have a list of pages you want to change any particular page color only like this you want to change this third page color so insert and click on
shap and draw your shape here according your page
size zoom out and make
now select any
color and rep text so select behind
text so now we can
see in this trick you can change on the particular page
color it’s a fastest way to change any page
color also guys you can make multiple pages with multiple
color and adjust the size like this same select this uh shap contrl C and contrl
V and adjust also you can create a new one select it and now the shap format change another color
same uh for this page control
V sh F and select another
color so thanks for watching comment this video is for you.
How to add Citations and References using Microsoft Word
in this video I will show how to give a reference for a book in Microsoft one so insert uh so click on reference insert
sitation add new
source type of source select uh book section and there are some more
options so select book or book section if you select book give author
name and title for that book
and here here in which here this book is published
City and publisher
name now just click on okay you can insert tag
name now remove it and here you can select
reference so here we and this way we can read this is the author name published here and publisher name
so thanks for watching comment this video useful for
How to Convert Excel Sheet to Google Sheet
Hello friends in this video I will show how to convert your Excel worksheet into Google Sheets so firstly open your Excel file and save it on your desktop or in your
laptop give any name and save
it now open any browser and
here click on this dots and open Google
Drive now here click on new file upload
and select your
Excel now complete this uh uploading process once this complete click on
recent now it’s a file click on these three dots
and open with so here you can select Google
Sheets now Google Drive will convert your Excel worksheet into Google
now here you can make changes as your
requirement now click on file and here you can save as Google Sheets click anyway contrl C crl a select all then contrl
C select entire your Excel worksheet control
C then here control
V so this is the second method you can apply then file and download and here you can download is Microsoft Excel Open document PDF web
page you can import from
here go drive this is the third method then
insert here you can create new spreadsheet insert new
seets then import
How to Create Progress Charts (Bar and Circle) in Word
in this video I will show you how to insert
process chart in Microsoft Word so easy and quick way click on insert then smart art and here in this list select process so here you will see different type of process select as your
requirement so process with arrow selected then click on okay now here add your
you can add more
options double click
here so here you can change Style you can change
color you can add
shap you can add
blood like this and here you can change direction right to left or left to right can get the text
pen so this all options you can apply here you can make more
changes promote or D
mode so this is the only simple and Sample video you can create properly a process chart and process art in Microsoft World thanks for
How to convert column to comma separated list in Excel
hello guys in this video I will show how to convert columns into CSV in Microsoft Excel so there are two formula you can try any
formula first Formula equal sign type text
join now this quotation mark and comma again this double quote and
comma Now here you can select true or false true to ignore empty cells false to include empty cells you can select any option
comma and select data closing bracket and press
enter so this way you can convert column into CSV uh second method
equal and type
conate this one
selected and select data now and symbol now this symbol then comma again this symbol and closing bracket so this is the formula press enter so guys as we can see this is the formula to
convert your column
into CSV s you can convert row into CSV using this formula I will show you
example there you
have some data
here you have some data and you want to convert this row into CSV click here type equal
sign C double click on it and select this data then end
now this double quat comma double quat and closing bracket and press
enter so thanks for watching comment this video useful for you.
Fix-This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked
Halla fines you are most welcome this channel today in this video i gonna to show you how to solve and how to fix this modification is not allowed because the selection is locked france if you are getting a message at the bottom of word 2007 or 2010 our other products in the office suite whenever you try to change the document saying this modification is not allowed because the selection is long this article of my website which is word and this tag for advice youtube video tutorial should answer your question why and tell you how to make your document any table again generally you are saying this modification is not allowed because the selection is a lot there are four possible cause to this problem first the document is marked as final second the document is protected god you are using a trial of office 2007 and fourth reason office 2007 has not yet been activated now we will go through each cause and resolution below so first one document is mark as final you will also be unable to patched into the document if you hover over the pest button under the Home tab you will get this error message this command is currently disabled this command is not available because the document is marked as final like you will hover this paste button you will see this message this command is currently disabled and the rest of that error message also point us in the right direction
so click on the office button you can see this one the circle with the office and logo on it in the top left corner you can see this one and go down to the prepare sub menu here is the prepare sub menu you can see this one in this sub menu you’ll see an icon next to mark as final highlighted in orange so you will go there prepare so you will see this one mark as final Marcus final it won’t allow any changes to the document it would be best practice to mark your document as finally before you send it off to others for professional simulations this also max the red spelling and green Cremora under words go away as well as any mark changes throughout the document
besides the markers fine like one being highlighted in the prepare sub menu you will also notice as small version of the same icon at the bottom of the war 2007 in the status bar like this one in order to make changes the document just needs to be unfine alized go back to the office button prepare menu and click marques finally to toggle it off after that the icon will now appear on a highlighted and icon will be gone from the status bar so you will go there prepare and marques finally so you can see now it is the not in orange color second cause document is protected if you are stealing not able to edit the document it may be protected switched to the review tab and then hit the protect document button to bring up a small men like this review and protect document from that menu choose Christic formatting and anything here like this under stood and restricted access next to the document a little window should pop up if at the bottom you have a stop protection button click that if you don’t see that button but instead see a star protection button you can close this little window this settings is not the one locking your document you may have to enter a password in order to modify the document you will need to know the password in order to stop this protection and solution for third course your child of office 2007 has expired if you are using office 2007 that come with your computer lightly it was only a child and has expired try opening your document in the free often office upper purchase a full version of Microsoft Office 2007 if we have the office harm and student 2007 trial preloaded on your computer you can purchase the disc version and use the product key to unlock and active the preloaded join my Microsoft Office 2016 home and student through
from the Microsoft Office as you can get and you can purchase the new one and there are the a lot of crack wasn’t to grasp read before you answer a valid product key you can run the software 25 times which is the grace period during the grass period certain features our programs might be enable that are not included in the product you have purchased after you enter a valid product key you will see only the program and features that you have purchased and another one reduce functionality mod after the grace period if you have not entered a valid product key the software goes into reduced functionality mod in reduced functionality mod your software behaves similarly to her fever you can’t sell modification to documents are create a new document and functionality might be reduced not as letting files are documents are harmed in the reduced functionality model after you enter your product key and activate your software you will have full functionality for the program and features that you purchased and another one cause office 2007 had not yet been activated if you are seeing the problem in both Word and Excel the problem is unusually office wide office 2007 may not have been activated while you are connected to the internet go to the office button in the top left corner and choose what option from the bottom of the menu like this you can see this one what option so friends this is the some solution I hope you can fix your this problem and you can solve by this my article and my teas tutorial I taught in this video so friends I hope you liked this video if you have any question so please comment and don’t forget to subscribe this channel thanks again for watching this video.