Tech Barkateraza

Text size calculator

Text tools

A collection of text content related tools to help you create, modify & improve text type of content.

Text size calculator

Get the size of a text in bytes (B), Kilobytes (KB) or Megabytes (MB).

Text separator

Separate text back and forth by new lines, commas, dots…etc.


Email extractor

Extract email addresses from any kind of text content.


URL extractor

Extract http/https URLs from any kind of text content.


Text size calculator

Get the size of a text in bytes (B), Kilobytes (KB) or Megabytes (MB).


Duplicate lines remover

Easily remove duplicate lines from a text.


Text to speech

Use the Google translator API to generate text to speech audio.


IDN Punnycode converter

Easily convert IDN to Punnycode and back.


Case converter

Convert your text to any kind of text case, such as lowercase, UPPERCASE, camelCase…etc.


Character counter

Count the amount of characters and words of a given text.


List randomizer

Easily convert a list of given text into a randomized list.


Reverse words

Reverse the words in a given sentence or paragraph with ease.


Reverse letters

Reverse the letters in a given sentence or paragraph with ease.


Emojis remover

Remove all the emojis from any given text with ease.


Reverse list

Reverse a list of given text lines.


List alphabetizer

Order text lines in alphabetical order (A-Z or Z-A) with ease.


Upside down text generator

Flip, upside down text with ease.


Old English text generator

Convert normal text to old english font type.


Cursive text generator

Convert normal text to cursive font type.

Signature generator

Signature generator


Mailto link generator

Generate deep link mailto with subject, body, cc, bcc & get the HTML code as well.

UTM link generator

Easily add UTM valid parameters and generate a UTM trackable link.

WhatsApp link generator

Generate whatsapp message links with ease.

YouTube Timestamp link generator

Generated youtube links with exact start timestamp, helpful for mobile users.

Slug generator

Generate a URL slug for any string input.

Lorem Ipsum generator

Easily generate dummy text with the Lorem Ipsum generator.

Password generator

Generate passwords with custom length and custom settings.

Random number generator

Generate a random number between a given range.

UUID v4 generator

Easily generate v4 UUID’s (Universally unique identifier) with the help of our tool.

Bcrypt generator

Generate a bcrypt password hash for any string input.

MD2 generator

Generate an MD2 hash for any string input.

MD4 generator

Generate an MD4 hash for any string input.

MD5 generator

Generate an MD5 hash of 32 characters length for any string input.

Whirlpool generator

Generate a whirlpool hash for any string input.

SHA-1 generator

Generate a SHA-1 hash for any string input.

SHA-224 generator

Generate a SHA-224 hash for any string input.

SHA-256 generator

Generate a SHA-256 hash for any string input.

SHA-384 generator

Generate a SHA-384 hash for any string input.

SHA-512 generator

Generate a SHA-512 hash for any string input.

SHA-512/224 generator

Generate a SHA-512/224 hash for any string input.

SHA-512/256 generator

Generate a SHA-512/256 hash for any string input.

SHA-3/224 generator

Generate a SHA-3/224 hash for any string input.

SHA-3/256 generator

Generate a SHA-3/256 hash for any string input.

SHA-3/384 generator

Generate a SHA-3/384 hash for any string input.

SHA-3/512 generator

Generate a SHA-3/512 hash for any string input.

RIPEMD128 generator

Generate a RIPE MESSAGE DIGEST 128 hash for any string input.

RIPEMD160 generator

Generate a RIPE MESSAGE DIGEST 160 hash for any string input.

RIPEMD256 generator

Generate a RIPE MESSAGE DIGEST 256 hash for any string input.

RIPEMD320 generator

Generate a RIPE MESSAGE DIGEST 320 hash for any string input.


PayPal link generator

PayPal link generator

Signature generator

Easily generate your own custom signature and download it with ease.

Mailto link generator

Generate deep link mailto with subject, body, cc, bcc & get the HTML code as well.

UTM link generator

Easily add UTM valid parameters and generate a UTM trackable link.

WhatsApp link generator

Generate whatsapp message links with ease.

YouTube Timestamp link generator

Generated youtube links with exact start timestamp, helpful for mobile users.

Slug generator

Generate a URL slug for any string input.

Lorem Ipsum generator

Easily generate dummy text with the Lorem Ipsum generator.

Password generator

Generate passwords with custom length and custom settings.

Random number generator

Generate a random number between a given range.

UUID v4 generator

Easily generate v4 UUID’s (Universally unique identifier) with the help of our tool.

Bcrypt generator

Generate a bcrypt password hash for any string input.

MD2 generator

Generate an MD2 hash for any string input.

MD4 generator

Generate an MD4 hash for any string input.

MD5 generator

Generate an MD5 hash of 32 characters length for any string input.

Whirlpool generator

Generate a whirlpool hash for any string input.

SHA-1 generator

Generate a SHA-1 hash for any string input.

SHA-224 generator

Generate a SHA-224 hash for any string input.

SHA-256 generator

Generate a SHA-256 hash for any string input.

SHA-384 generator

Generate a SHA-384 hash for any string input.

SHA-512 generator

Generate a SHA-512 hash for any string input.

SHA-512/224 generator

Generate a SHA-512/224 hash for any string input.

SHA-512/256 generator

Generate a SHA-512/256 hash for any string input.

SHA-3/224 generator

Generate a SHA-3/224 hash for any string input.

SHA-3/256 generator

Generate a SHA-3/256 hash for any string input.

SHA-3/384 generator

Generate a SHA-3/384 hash for any string input.

SHA-3/512 generator

Generate a SHA-3/512 hash for any string input.

RIPEMD128 generator

Generate a RIPE MESSAGE DIGEST 128 hash for any string input.

RIPEMD160 generator

Generate a RIPE MESSAGE DIGEST 160 hash for any string input.

RIPEMD256 generator

Generate a RIPE MESSAGE DIGEST 256 hash for any string input.

RIPEMD320 generator

Generate a RIPE MESSAGE DIGEST 320 hash for any string input.


How to create a bulk image resize tool website

To create a bulk image resize tool directly in WordPress without creating a plugin, you can create a custom WordPress page template that allows users to upload images and resize them. Here’s a simple way to approach it using PHP and HTML, leveraging WordPress functionalities:


  1. Create a Custom Page Template
  2. Add Image Upload and Resize Functionality
  3. Display Results

Step 1: Create a Custom Page Template

  1. Go to your WordPress theme folder (usually wp-content/themes/your-theme/).
  2. Create a new file, e.g., page-bulk-resize.php.
  3. Add the following code:

Step 2: Add Page in WordPress Admin

  1. In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to PagesAdd New.
  2. Title your page and in the right sidebar under Template, select “Bulk Image Resize”.
  3. Publish the page.

Step 3: Test the Tool

  1. Go to the new page you’ve created.
  2. Upload multiple images, input desired width and height, and resize the images.
  3. The resized images will be saved in the uploads folder of your WordPress installation.


This approach avoids creating a plugin, while giving you a functional page for bulk image resizing. Let me know if you need further enhancements!

Text to speech

Text to speech



Popular tools

how you can setup Google Login

Watch a video tutorial on how you can setup Google Login.

  1. Go to Google Developers Console page.
  2. Make sure to login to your Google account.
  3. Create a new project and select it.
  4. Go to OAuth consent screen menu item on the left.
  5. Select the User Type as External and click Create.
  6. Fill out your app details in there, save and continue.
  7. Make sure to add the & userinfo.profile scopes, save and continue.
  8. Finish the last remaining steps.
  9. Go to Credentials menu item on the left.
  10. Create new OAuth client ID credentials.
  11. Select the Web application type.
  12. In the Authorized redirect URIs field, add your website’s URL in this format: (replace with your own domain name).
  13. Create the credentials.
  14. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
  15. Go to your website installation Admin Panel -> Website Settings -> Google Login Tab and fill in the copied keys.
  16. Make sure to Enable Google Login and Submit the new settings.
  17. Future configuration & review of the created Google app is fully up to you from now on.

How to Insert Bullets in Microsoft Word

How to Insert Bullets in Microsoft Word


How to Insert Bullets in Microsoft Word

In this video, we’ll learn how to create a bullet or numbered list in an MS Word document.

First, open your MS Word document and select the text.


Now, click on Bullets.

You will now see the default dot bullets. If you want to change them, click on the tiny arrow. Here, you can choose different types of bullets.

If you want to insert numbers instead, click on the numbering option, and you’ll see various number styles.

This is how you can insert bullet or numbered lists in an MS Word document.

I hope you liked this video. Thanks for watching!



Text tools

All tools

Text tools

A collection of text content related tools to help you create, modify & improve text type of content.

Text separator

Separate text back and forth by new lines, commas, dots…etc.

Email extractor

Extract email addresses from any kind of text content.

URL extractor

Extract http/https URLs from any kind of text content.

Text size calculator

Get the size of a text in bytes (B), Kilobytes (KB) or Megabytes (MB).

Duplicate lines remover

Easily remove duplicate lines from a text.

Text to speech

Use the Google translator API to generate text to speech audio.

IDN Punnycode converter

Easily convert IDN to Punnycode and back.

Case converter

Convert your text to any kind of text case, such as lowercase, UPPERCASE, camelCase…etc.

Character counter

Count the amount of characters and words of a given text.

List randomizer

Easily convert a list of given text into a randomized list.

Reverse words

Reverse the words in a given sentence or paragraph with ease.

Reverse letters

Reverse the letters in a given sentence or paragraph with ease.

Emojis remover

Remove all the emojis from any given text with ease.

Reverse list

Reverse a list of given text lines.

List alphabetizer

Order text lines in alphabetical order (A-Z or Z-A) with ease.

Upside down text generator

Flip, upside down text with ease.

Old English text generator

Convert normal text to old english font type.

Cursive text generator

Convert normal text to cursive font type.

Palindrome checker

Check if a given word of phrase is palindrome (if it reads the same backwards as forward).


Data converter tools

Data converter tools

A collection of computer data & sizing converter tools.

Bits (b) to Nibbles (nibble)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Nibbles (nibble) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Bytes (B)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Bytes (B) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Kilobits (Kb)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Kilobits (Kb) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Kibibits (Kib)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Kibibits (Kib) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Kibibytes (KiB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Kibibytes (KiB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Kilobytes (KB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Kilobytes (KB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Megabits (Mb)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Megabits (Mb) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Mebibits (Mib)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Mebibits (Mib) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Megabytes (MB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Megabytes (MB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Mebibytes (MiB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Mebibytes (MiB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Gigabits (Gb)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Gigabits (Gb) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Gibibits (Gib)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Gibibits (Gib) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Gigabytes (GB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Gigabytes (GB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Gibibytes (GiB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Gibibytes (GiB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Terabits (Tb)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Terabits (Tb) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Tebibits (Tib)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Tebibits (Tib) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Terabytes (TB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Terabytes (TB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Tebibytes (TiB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Tebibytes (TiB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Petabits (Pb)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Petabits (Pb) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Pebibits (Pib)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Pebibits (Pib) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Petabytes (PB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Petabytes (PB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Pebibytes (PiB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Pebibytes (PiB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Exabits (Eb)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Exabits (Eb) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Exbibits (Eib)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Exbibits (Eib) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Exabytes (EB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Exabytes (EB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Exbibytes (EiB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Exbibytes (EiB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Zettabits (Zb)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Zettabits (Zb) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Zebibits (Zib)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Zebibits (Zib) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Zettabytes (ZB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Zettabytes (ZB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Zebibytes (ZiB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Zebibytes (ZiB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Yottabits (Yb)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Yottabits (Yb) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Yobibits (Yib)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Yobibits (Yib) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Yottabytes (YB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Yottabytes (YB) with this simple convertor.

Bits (b) to Yobibytes (YiB)

Easily convert Bits (b) to Yobibytes (YiB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Bits (b)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Bits (b) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Bytes (B)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Bytes (B) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Kilobits (Kb)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Kilobits (Kb) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Kibibits (Kib)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Kibibits (Kib) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Kibibytes (KiB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Kibibytes (KiB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Kilobytes (KB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Kilobytes (KB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Megabits (Mb)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Megabits (Mb) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Mebibits (Mib)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Mebibits (Mib) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Megabytes (MB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Megabytes (MB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Mebibytes (MiB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Mebibytes (MiB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Gigabits (Gb)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Gigabits (Gb) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Gibibits (Gib)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Gibibits (Gib) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Gigabytes (GB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Gigabytes (GB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Gibibytes (GiB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Gibibytes (GiB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Terabits (Tb)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Terabits (Tb) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Tebibits (Tib)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Tebibits (Tib) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Terabytes (TB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Terabytes (TB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Tebibytes (TiB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Tebibytes (TiB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Petabits (Pb)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Petabits (Pb) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Pebibits (Pib)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Pebibits (Pib) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Petabytes (PB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Petabytes (PB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Pebibytes (PiB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Pebibytes (PiB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Exabits (Eb)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Exabits (Eb) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Exbibits (Eib)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Exbibits (Eib) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Exabytes (EB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Exabytes (EB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Exbibytes (EiB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Exbibytes (EiB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Zettabits (Zb)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Zettabits (Zb) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Zebibits (Zib)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Zebibits (Zib) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Zettabytes (ZB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Zettabytes (ZB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Zebibytes (ZiB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Zebibytes (ZiB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Yottabits (Yb)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Yottabits (Yb) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Yobibits (Yib)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Yobibits (Yib) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Yottabytes (YB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Yottabytes (YB) with this simple convertor.

Nibbles (nibble) to Yobibytes (YiB)

Easily convert Nibbles (nibble) to Yobibytes (YiB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Bits (b)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Bits (b) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Nibbles (nibble)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Nibbles (nibble) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Kilobits (Kb)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Kilobits (Kb) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Kibibits (Kib)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Kibibits (Kib) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Kibibytes (KiB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Kibibytes (KiB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Kilobytes (KB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Kilobytes (KB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Megabits (Mb)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Megabits (Mb) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Mebibits (Mib)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Mebibits (Mib) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Megabytes (MB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Megabytes (MB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Mebibytes (MiB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Mebibytes (MiB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Gigabits (Gb)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Gigabits (Gb) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Gibibits (Gib)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Gibibits (Gib) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Gigabytes (GB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Gigabytes (GB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Gibibytes (GiB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Gibibytes (GiB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Terabits (Tb)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Terabits (Tb) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Tebibits (Tib)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Tebibits (Tib) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Terabytes (TB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Terabytes (TB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Tebibytes (TiB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Tebibytes (TiB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Petabits (Pb)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Petabits (Pb) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Pebibits (Pib)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Pebibits (Pib) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Petabytes (PB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Petabytes (PB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Pebibytes (PiB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Pebibytes (PiB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Exabits (Eb)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Exabits (Eb) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Exbibits (Eib)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Exbibits (Eib) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Exabytes (EB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Exabytes (EB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Exbibytes (EiB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Exbibytes (EiB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Zettabits (Zb)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Zettabits (Zb) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Zebibits (Zib)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Zebibits (Zib) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Zettabytes (ZB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Zettabytes (ZB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Zebibytes (ZiB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Zebibytes (ZiB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Yottabits (Yb)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Yottabits (Yb) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Yobibits (Yib)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Yobibits (Yib) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Yottabytes (YB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Yottabytes (YB) with this simple convertor.

Bytes (B) to Yobibytes (YiB)

Easily convert Bytes (B) to Yobibytes (YiB) with this simple convertor.

Fix computer is playing a notification sound repeatedly

If your computer is playing a notification sound repeatedly, and you’re not sure where it’s coming from, here are some steps you can take to diagnose and fix the issue:

Check Notification Settings:

Windows 10/11: Go to Settings

Go to Settings

System > Notifications & actions and review the list of apps that can send notifications.

System > Notifications & actions

System > Notifications & actions


You can turn off notifications for specific apps to see if that resolves the issue.

turn off notifications for specific apps

turn off notifications for specific apps

Look at the System Tray:

Check the icons in your system tray (bottom-right corner of the screen). Sometimes, notifications or alerts from programs are indicated by icons or pop-ups there.
Review Recent Notifications:

In Windows 10/11, click on the notification icon in the system tray to view recent notifications. This can give you a clue as to which app or system component is generating the sound.
Check Notification History:

Windows 11 has a feature called “Notification history” which allows you to see past notifications. Go to Settings > System > Notifications, and click on Notification history to view it.
Examine Background Apps:

Open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and check for any unfamiliar or recently installed applications running in the background. They might be generating notifications.
Check for System Alerts:

Sometimes, system alerts or errors can trigger notification sounds. Open Control Panel > System and Security > Security and Maintenance to check for any system warnings or messages.
Inspect Sound Settings:

Go to Settings > System > Sound, and then click on Advanced sound options > App volume and device preferences. Check if any specific app is set to play sounds and adjust accordingly.
Review Installed Software:

Check if any recently installed software might be causing the issue. Consider uninstalling or disabling them temporarily to see if the problem resolves.
Run a Malware Scan:

Sometimes, malware can cause unusual behavior. Run a full system scan with your antivirus software.
Check Event Viewer:

You can use the Event Viewer to look for any system events or errors that might be related to the sound. Search for Event Viewer in the Start menu, and check the Windows Logs under System and Application.
If none of these steps help, you might need to consider reaching out to technical support for a more detailed investigation.