How To Remove Table without Deleting Text in Microsoft Word

How To Remove Table without Deleting Text in Microsoft Word



in this post I want to show you how to remove a table without deleting text in Microsoft Word so friends if you need text and you want to remove and delete a table only there is a simple method you want to delete this table and you want to keep text inside this table so select this table double click on it

now click on layout this layout is not of Microsoft Word but this layout is for a table so you will see two layouts this first one is the second layout after design select and click on this layout and here you will see the option to convert to text convert the table to regular text you can choose which tags characters to use to separate the column click on it now separate the text with paragraph marks tabs commas others so select as your requirement then click on ok so now as we can see this tags is remaining and table is deleted so let’s say friends by this quick method you can delete and remove table without tax thanks for watching please comment this post useful for you or not




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