how to add grammarly to word
how to add grammarly to word
You can download the latest version of Grammarly for Microsoft Office at and follow the instructions on that page to install it.
To resolve these issues, follow these instructions: Open Microsoft Word or Outlook, click File > Options > General. In the User Interface Options section, select Optimize for compatibility. Restart Microsoft Word or Outlook and see if the issue persists.
Grammarly offers native desktop clients for both Windows and macOS; browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge; and a Microsoft Office add-in (now on both Mac and Windows platforms). Grammarly is also usable on Android and iOS via a mobile keyboard app.
- Click the Start button and click Control Panel.
- Go to Programs > Default Programs > Set Your Default Programs.
- If you can’t see the Programs option, change the view style of the Control Panel. …
- Select the browser you want to use as your default and click on Set this Program As Default.
To install the Chrome extension:
- Visit the Chrome Store.
- Search Grammarly.
- Select Grammarly, download it, and click Add to Chrome.
- You’ll be taken to a welcome page, where you can automatically go to Gmail from the site and compose a new email.
- A new Compose window will appear.
Turn on (or off) automatic spelling and grammar checking
- On the Word menu, click Preferences > Spelling & Grammar.
- In the Spelling & Grammar dialog box, under Spelling, check or clear the Check spelling as you type box.
- Under Grammar, check or clear the Check grammar as you type box.
Open Google Chrome and visit the Chrome Store to install the Grammarly browser extension. Click Add to Chrome to start the download.
It’s not completely accurate, but unlike Grammarly it will not aggressively correct you with suggestions that are actually incorrect. The biggest issue I’ve found with it is that its comma suggestions are wrong 9/10 times. That’s going to really burn non-native speakers the most.