How To Change Default Language of Microsoft Word

How To Change the Default Language of Microsoft Word   hello everyone, in this post I will show you how to change the default language of Microsoft Word. it’s a straightforward method. let’s start opening your Microsoft Word and no matter what the Microsoft Microsoft Word version of Microsoft Word. this setting is similar for … Read more

How To Stop Windows 10 From Uploading Updates to Other PCs Over the Internet

How To Stop Windows 10 From Uploading Updates to Other PCs Over the Internet


guys today this video is going to show you how to stop Windows 10 from uploading updates to other PCSs guys if you want to stop Windows 10 from uploading updates to other PCSs so very easily first click on Start after clicking on G

settings after clicking on update and security [Music]

and after clicking on the Advance option so click on Advance

option after clicking on the delivery

optimization and here auction allows downloads from other PS so if you want to stop this slash-to-off position that is so guys this is a straightforward method if you want to stop Windows 10 from uploading updates to other pieces and if you want to on-position Soze on position and if you to pces on my local network and places on the internet so allow so check this box and if you want to pces on my local network so check this St that is so guys this is very simple and easy method thank you for watching this video please subscribe my channel for latest update



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How to Multiply Columns in Excel

How to Multiply Columns in Excel


hello, dear, you are welcome to this channel today in this video we going to learn how to use the multiplayer formula in the Microsoft Excel program here is some basic data for using the formula multiplied here and play name here is the time of their work weeks and hours per week now we will get the total hours so we will use multiple a formula click here enter equal sign now enter be to

multiply sign rc2 Namit and training so you will get the result now select all the columns and press control D on the keyboard another way to use the multi-player formula in Excel firstly select a cell where we went through multiple results and enter equal sign now type product

multiplayer all the numbers given as arguments in double-click this command indicates that you want to multiply items together now give the seldom, in this case, be true now enter: and select now c2 now enter brackets now Mac enter so you will get the result for this cell now select all the column and press enter D so we’ll get the result for all columns thanks for watching this video